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Monday, 11 August 2014

15 pictures of kids so well-dressed you'll rethink your entire wardrobe

So much style. I need a shopping spree.

1) The breton/trench combo of your dreams

2) The best suit you've ever seen

3) You wish you could do urban style like this. I know I do.

4) The beehive/pearl combo that is ON POINT!

5) The gingham playsuit I need in my life

6) This floral dress and statement necklace combo

7) Tulle skirts. nothing else needs to be said.

8) The cutest blazer and white jeans you've ever seen

9) I wish my hair looked like this in a relaxed bun

10) This Beanie hat and DM's combo

11) The child that wears lace tights better than I've ever seen

12) Some of the best mini Sartorialist choices ever

13) Braces and a flat cap. How very hipster.

14) One of the best examples of scarf draping I've ever seen

15) And a kid who looks like they've stepped straight out of MIC

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Strap on your running shoes...

Anyone that has known me my whole life will probably describe me as the most unathletic person ever. I've never stepped foot inside a gym and haven't done sport since I was about 13 in PE. I'm not an unhealthy person, I eat pretty well, apart from the odd chinese takeaway and icecream night, but a little while ago I started noticing that I was actually really unfit. I couldn't walk long distances without getting out of breath and running for the last bus? nearly impossible.

I decided to get up off my sofa, press pause on the netflix, and go running. yes, I know, I was shocked too! I've only been for a few runs at this stage, and although I was massively struggling at the start, I'm still not going anywhere fast, but I find I can get much further before I have to stop and take a breath, I feel much better on a day to day basis, and I find the little things I struggled with before much easier to do.

It's almost like I didn't realise quite how bad my fitness was until it got better. I'm starting to eat a little healthier, but I'm not dieting or anything, I just want to be able to walk up a big flight of stairs without getting breathless and I've also had a bit of bad skin recently so I'm hoping a healthier diet will help that.

Like I say, its early days but I'm trying to set myself targets so that I actually stick to a resolution for once in my life. Also, I never thought I'd be the girl who got excited over new trainers and gym stuff, but I bought some new nikes last week and I swear they're my new favourite thing. So in order to make myself less freaked out over what I've become, I decided to make a little wishlist of sport clothes. Well, Some things never change!

1) USA Pro galaxy print sports bra £9

2) H&M Running tights £14.99

3) Nike Logo vest top

4) Adidas Floral running shorts £35

5) Primark palm tree crop top £6

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Prettiest Wishlist

I have a major Pinterest addiction, like I genuinely think I need to go to some sort of pinboard rehab. But the one major thing I dislike about it is the fact that it just makes me screenshot a massive list of things I want.

So now I've decided to do a monthly post of all the things I love on Pinterest. Mainly so I have an excuse to use it constantly.

1) This amazing cookie Ice-cream cake

2) The cutest desk area ever

3) A beach picnic table that makes me want a holiday

4) The Make-up storage giving me envy

5) THEE dress. Like, The ultimate dream.

6) And finally, these embellished shorts

Follow me on pinterest here.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The Perfume Edit

Perfume Edit Ditzy Daydreams

Perfume is one of those things that are totally personal to each person. scent can evoke strong memories in you in a way that none of the other senses can.

The first designer perfume I owned was Jean-Paul Gaultier classique. It was fresh and young, but made me feel oh-so sophisticated. I wore it all the time, and the smell still takes me back to being 16 and trying to sneak into bars, and spending time with friends.

Since then, my perfume collection has grown, and I no longer need to wear the same fragrance everyday, but i can still remember the situations that brought each beautiful bottle to my dressing table.

Lacoste - Touch of Pink £19.99-£29.99
I first got a bottle of touch of pink when I was about 17, and to my minimum wage self, it was a more purse friendly addition to my collection. I was able to feel like I had a designer input into my wardrobe, and it felt good to not have to sport a cheap celeb fragrance. (Who knew I was a snob even back then!)

Marc Jacobs - Daisy £23.50-£63.50
I bought this exact bottle of Daisy in the duty free section of the ferry on my way to uni for the first time. it has lasted me pretty well considering I wore it a lot over the last 3 years, but there is something slightly depressing about the fact that it's pretty empty now, just as uni comes to an end, as if it marks the end of my studenthood or something. but this is one of my favourites, and will forever remind me of student antics, and the amazing time I've had over the last three years.

Balmain - Extatic £36-£46
This little mini bottle is so handy to have, and perfect for carrying around in your handbag. The smell is distinctive and has a slight rock chick edge, in the kind of style you would expect from Balmain. I got this in a beauty bag when I worked at Star magazine back in March, which has definitely been one of my favourite placements so far.

Vivienne Westwood - Mon Boudoir £19.99-£38
This was also in my beauty bag from Star, and I didn't use it much at first, but now I have come to love it. It's the perfect spring/summer scent, as it's light and airy, and has some beautiful floral tones. It's one of those scents that's light enough to wear everyday and doesn't get too overwhelming.

Lancôme - La Vie Est Belle £43.50-£69.50
When this perfume came out it was one of those things where I didn't want to buy too much into the hype that it had created. I hate when bloggers and magazines big up a new release so much that I wait to buy it, and then I'm sorely disappointed and left with a big boots-shaped hole in bank balance. However, my mum wanted it, so being the generous daughter that I am I treated her to it, you know, so I could 'borrow' it. I loved it so much I went out and bought my own. Mum still has her own bottle so she's happy I haven't totally stolen her belongings.

All prices: theperfumeshop.com
Images: Niamh Stewart