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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Win a Wardrobe is back!

I enter a lot of competitions online, especially when they offer me gorgeous freebies that I would never usually be able to afford. Last year I came across something that I thought was such a good idea, I didn't know why no-one had done it before. West Coast Cooler's Win a Wardrobe competition.

With this, not only do you get to win loads of fabulous clothes (and accessories) you have a say in what gets put in!  Every week a new category gets chosen, and you get to vote for one of three items, the most popular items every week get put together to make up the final amazing prize.

Now, its back in conjunction with Belfast Fashion Week. When I heard this news I couldn't be happier, another chance to win some amazing clothes? YES PLEASE! Just go to the facebook page for all the details on how to enter.
(This is open to NI residents only, so unfortunately my followers from other countries won't be able to enter!)

Win A Wardrobe. The Rematch

Monday, 25 February 2013

Oscars Best Dresses 2013

My favourite awards show of the year rolled round again last night, as the red carpet was laid out for The Oscars.
2012 was such a good year for movies, with some of the releases now taking a place on my favourites list, so fitting in with this, the stars managed to make the style on the red carpet some of the best in a while. I find Red Carpet looks can get boring after a while, as I tend to be waiting for something to really impress me, but last night there were some absolutely stunning gowns.
The Slideshow below shows My best dressed picks of the night. (Press 'i' to view captions)

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Saturday Style inspiration: Audrey Hepburn

For this weeks style icon, I've gone back in time. I think I'm a little old fashioned, and I think there are some things about the 50's that I feel have definitely been lost over the years.

The major thing that jumps out at me is how stylish everyone was back then. The Men all dressed as men (no meggings or manscara then!) and the ladies were just that, Ladies.

For me, Audrey Hepburn epitomises class and elegance. Her style was so classic, and so many of the outfits she wore are still seen as beautiful today. She knew how to work a Breton stripe, and valued the importance of the LBD, and after seeing the famous Breakfast at Tiffany's dress up close last year, I realised just how amazing her style was.

Another reason Audrey has been back in my life this week is because Galaxy have named her as the face of their newest Campaign!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Vintage shopping made easier: 3 best boutiques

Vintage shopping can be like Marmite, you either love it, or you hate it. I love the unique items you can find, and some of the classic pieces that are a staple for every woman's wardrobe are nicest when they are vintage, but I hate the fact that some of them are so unique they only come in one size. So you find an item you absolutely love and it doesn't fit. so annoying.
Internet shopping has made so many things in life really easy. No more carrying heavy grocery bags home, no more queuing at the tills and no more actually having to get dressed and leave the house. vintage shopping is another thing that internet shopping has improved for the better. Due to the handy filtering features most sites have, you can take a look at the clothes that are in your size, or a even specific decade, so you can ensure you don't get too attached to an item you can't have.
These online vintage boutiques are the three that I love most, and that put the ease and enjoyability back into vintage shopping.

Rokit Vintage Store Logo
Rokit was my first experience of a vintage store, as I visited their Brick Lane store and fell in love with most of the dresses they stock. I came home, went online and discovered that their website was just as well stocked as their flagship store.

Love miss daisy vintage boutique
This vintage store has the best selection of vintage dresses I've ever seen. It displays very accurate measurements of all areas of the clothes, so there is little question about whether or not they will fit, just grab a tape measure!

Stellar Vintage Boutique
Stellar stocks some brilliant casual vintage pieces  and is great for finding those perfect denim shorts, and since the founder of the site has designed for topshop, the clothes will all be super stylish. It also stocks some amazing vintage homeware, so your house can look as good you do.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Saturday Style Inspiration:Olivia Palermo

I've decided to start a new weekly feature, Saturday Style Inspiration! This week I've been Girl-crushing on Olivia Palermo, and coveting her entire wardrobe.

I love her effortless style, because let's be honest here, she doesn't feature on most street style pages for no reason. I also love her hairstyle, and I wish my hair looked that good all the time. She knows the importance of having key pieces in your wardrobe, and has mastered the art of statement clothes to tie everything together, and make every look different. My favourite look is the Tartan blazer pictured below. I just love the simplicity of the outfit, and how the jacket just makes her look stand out from the crowd. I could definitely take a few lessons in dressing myself from her!
 I'm going to watch The City now, Obsession isn't the word!

You can now 'Like' Ditzy Daydreams on facebook. Click here.

Monday, 11 February 2013

BAFTAs 2013 Best Dressed

Last night saw the BAFTAs roll around again, and as usual I couldn't tell you who won any awards, but I could tell you what most of the girls were wearing. My favourite look of the entire night has to be Anne Hathaway's amazingly simple, studded Burberry gown. It is the perfect shape on her and goes very well with her new cropped haircut.
Also, bravery award of the night goes to SJP. She has received a lot of negativity over last nights outfit choice, but I loved it, especially how understated it was comparing to her usual outfit choices. Jumpsuits are definitely an underrated outfit choice, and need to be worn on the red carpet more often, I find them to be a lot classier than some dresses.
Special mention to Juno Temple's fabulous fur coat. It was disgustingly cold in London last night when I was leaving, so it was a good choice for keeping warm!

(Press the i button on the slideshow above to view captions)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

In Good Company.

As I previously mentioned I'm currently in the middle of a two week placement at Company Magazine, and I am loving it!

I'm doing two weeks on the features desk, and I really am learning a lot, and it takes a lot more work than just making some tea (although that does have to happen occasionally of course!) 
so far in my two weeks, I've had an opportunity to see how a website gets put together (WAY harder than running a blog!!!) I've transcribed some interviews, which is great because it means I'm one of the first to hear all the gossip, and I've done lots of research.

Its a really nice thing to know that even though I won't have a byline in the issue, I will have contributed in some way to all the features, and it will be very cool when I read it and I see something I found in my research pop up in a feature, or I see the final write up of the interviews I typed up.

Of course doing such an internship means one very amazing thing. I get to spend two weeks living (or rather infringing on my sisters very small bed. Sorry Aveen!) in one of the most amazing, and fashionably inspiring cities. Every morning on my way into work I pass Liberty, Oxford Street Topshop, and even Jaeger head offices! I was also pleasantly surprised when I was just sitting in the office last week and Gemma Cairney walked in. Starstruck is an understatement for how I was. There was also a frenzy of excitement in the office when Liam Neeson was spotted downstairs in Prêt, and my Northern Irish accent was put to one of its only good uses, by doing an imitation of that speech from Taken.
I love just being in the office of a fashion magazine, and now I really can't see myself working anywhere else! The environment is so inspiring, and its really fascinating to see how everything works behind the scenes, and I especially love watching how everyone writes, as they spend a lot of time brainstorming and bouncing ideas off each other and I really like seeing that. Yesterday I was tidying around the office and I got a chance to look at back issues from really far back. (Like before I was born!) All these things, along with seeing how the styling is done for shoots, is really helping me see what I need to do in order to get working somewhere as soon as possible!

Also, I'd be lying if I didn't say I was ridiculously overexcited when I got my official email address and building access card. It really helps you feel very important, as does getting to see an issue, straight from the printers, a week before it goes on sale.

My sister and I also took a little trip to Harrods, (where I pretended to be a Disney Princess for a bit!) and then a little night on the town!